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EP – Japānas delegācijas sanāksme pirms gaidāmās starpparlamentu sanāksmes 2012. gada pavasarī.

Delegācijas priekšsēdētāja vietnieces Sandras Kalnietes uzruna.

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to welcome our Japanese colleagues in the European Parliament, who have travelled a very long way so that they could be here with us today. I can assure to our guests that the European Parliament would like to see an even greater cooperation between the European Union and Japan. We are not only very close partners, but also allies and friends who can rely on each other.

It is unfortunate and very sad that still, to this day, a FTA between the EU and Japan does not exist. Given our very close relationship, this situation is illogical: both Europe and Japan are struggling with low economic growth rates and for this reason our politicians must act, so that our economies are given a new impetus. It is necessary for us to promote economic cooperation, to create new jobs, and to make our countries economically stronger. In fact, nothing superhuman is required of us to make this happen. All that is required of us is political courage to make the necessary decisions.

Dear Colleagues,

The ball is now on the side of Japan and you my fellow colleagues now have the chance to reach the turning point in the negotiations on the FTA. Our delegation has regularly pointed out that the Commission must approach Japan, so that negotiations on the FTA could begin. But we all understand the Commission’s arguments as well. I believe now it’s the turn of the Japanese Government to show good will and therefore it should approach the European Commission. The Japanese side now must actively promote the necessary reforms so that negotiations on the FTA could begin promptly.

Dear Colleagues,

International trade barriers are contrary to the publics’ welfare. We must not allow such barriers to exist in the 21st century among the closest of partners. Trade barriers do not allow the growth of well-being and therefore should not exist. Of course, I understand that for fair international trade to exist a country will also have its losers, but the political challenge is to make important decisions that will pay off in the long run. Society will appreciate it, even if it seems that the people do not understand it.

Dear colleagues,

It is necessary for Japan to get rid of the non trade Barriers, which still exists. It is in your power to do so and the sooner the government of Japan does this, the better it will be for the people of Japan. I understand that politically it is not easy to do so, but it is necessary. Barriers hinder our relationship from transitioning to a new level. They hinder and restrict development. They should not exist.

The European People’s Party believes that cross-border investments must be done in safe settings; where conditions are supportive for business environment. Japanese investment in Europe is vital as well as Europe’s investment in Japan, yet currently, those of both sides are insufficient.

I would like to acknowledge to our Japanese colleagues that our delegation will continue to be very careful in following the negotiations between Japan and the Commission. We are awaiting the results of the scoping exercise, in order to jointly assess the conclusions and so that we can move forward. I believe that we need a common denominator in the most important of issues and that with this together we can achieve our goals. Thank you.